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We All Belong @ WAB

WAB recognizes, appreciates, and values all members of the community including, but not limited to:

family status
gender expression
gender identity

health needs
language acquisition
languages spoken
marital status
mental health
national origin

physical challenges 
political affiliation 
sexual orientation



Inclusion at WAB

Inclusion at WAB intentionally fosters belonging and dignity through our dedicated and reflective practices around Diversity, Equity, Anti-Racism, and Social Justice. Through culturally responsive learning experiences, we strive to create a nurturing environment that not only embraces our host country, but recognizes, appreciates, and values all members of the WAB community.




Diversity at WAB 

Diversity at WAB honors our differences, both visible and invisible. Our diversity contributes to what makes us uniquely WAB and encourages us to learn from a range of perspectives, empowering us to grow together through any discomfort.




Equity at WAB

Equity at WAB means we strive to provide ways for each member of our WAB community to be respected, valued, and honored for their uniqueness. We consciously commit to providing access and opportunities for all to thrive at their pace and on their path.




Anti-Racism at WAB

Anti-Racism at WAB means we identify and challenge the structures, values, and behaviors that perpetuate systemic racism. As an IB school, we aim to be an internationally minded community in teaching, learning, and hiring practices. As we become more aware of implicit bias and welcome others’ perspectives, we take responsibility for inactions or offensive behavior and work to promote racial equality for all members of our school community.




Social Justice at WAB

Social Justice at WAB recognizes the impact of current and historical inequalities and prejudices. WAB believes that each member of the WAB community is entitled to be treated with respect and dignity; therefore, we take purposeful action to seek diverse perspectives, particularly from those in marginalized communities, and provide meaningful opportunities for their voices to be heard.


The I-DEAS team at WAB sought help from their Chinese colleagues to choose a Chinese character that they felt represented the heart of their work. 和 means "AND" and "HARMONY."


WAB doesn't just involve the community. We ARE a community!

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Parent Link

Our volunteer parent organization – connecting, supporting, and enriching our WAB community.

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Our Events

Fun, exciting and inspiring community events and initiatives throughout the year.
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The 6000+ WAB Alumni Network keeps the WAB Spirit with you no matter where you are.

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