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WAB Strategy 2022+

WAB is committed to help students develop knowledge, competencies, and dispositions that they can use when making a difference within and beyond our campus walls.

This strategic framework was originally adopted in December 2021 and was the result of a highly consultative, student-led process.  

Beginning in May 2021, students led workshops for fellow students, teachers, staff, parents, alumni, and the board to build “portraits of WAB Alumni”. These portraits were guided by the question “When a student leaves WAB, what are the key skills, knowledge, and characteristics they should possess that will guide them into the future?”  

Across all stakeholder groups 117 portraits were gathered, and these sets of raw data were organized in word-cloud visualizations. The processed data and visualizations were used for a final round of stakeholder workshops in October 2021. Together our community looked at the emerging themes and topics and worked out how to use these findings to formulate the future areas of focus and outcomes we would like learning and education at WAB to achieve.    

This process resulted in a Strategic Framework that will guide the work of our school and community to meet the future needs of our learners and help them develop knowledge, competencies, and dispositions that they can use when making a difference within and beyond our campus walls. 

Areas of Focus

Our strategic framework is anchored in the strong foundations of our Mission, Core Values, and Philosophy. It continues our emphasis on student well-being and innovation in learning and teaching. 

Two new areas of focus emerged from our work with the community: Inclusion through Diversity, Equity, Anti-racism, and Social Justice, and Sustainable and Ethical approaches to Living and Learning. 

Working groups for each of these areas have been formed and these groups consult with a steering committee made up of students, alumni, staff, parents, leadership, and board members. 

An I-DEAS Steering Committee was formed with representatives from all our community to work on this focus area. Please visit our I-DEAS page to learn more about what inclusion means at WAB.


Inclusion at WAB Through I-DEAS

The Western Academy of Beijing strongly believes in caring for and respecting our environment. We realize that our future depends on protecting the health and well-being of our children and the planet.


WAB's Sustainability Journey

News About WAB Strategy 2022+

I-DEAS Celebrating We All Belong 

WAB's annual I-DEAS Week celebrates inclusion and diversity through engaging activities, student-led workshops, and cultural exchanges, fostering a strong sense of belonging.