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Athlete & Parent Expectation

Athlete Expectation

Students who attend tryouts and are successful in being selected to WAB representative team squads will be expected to adhere to the following guidelines and expectations:


  • By accepting a position on a squad, students have effectively committed to the team and the team schedule, including the ACAMIS / APAC end of season tournament trip, as outlined before selections. The season schedule can be located on the online individual team page.
  • Should there be the need to miss a practice or game, students are expected to make advance arrangements with their coach.
  • If a student is having difficulty with attending all scheduled commitments they must make direct contact with the coach.
  • Students unable to fulfill their commitment to the team may jeopardize their participation in future events.
  • Team uniforms will be issued by and remain the property of the school. The uniform is only to be worn for competition. It is the duty of the student to launder the uniform after each game day and return it promptly at the end of season in good order. A deposit is required for the uniform.


Athletes should maintain good communication with their coach. If a problem arises that cannot be resolved, parents are invited to contact the coach. If the problem can still not be resolved, the Activity Coordinator can be asked to mediate.


  • Teachers will alert Student Academic Counselors of students experiencing difficulties with classes, not reaching their full potential or having fallen behind with their studies (time management concerns) or are behind in their assignments.
  • Coaches will be made aware of any students with academic concerns and will allow time to miss practices in order to improve their academic standings. Students will remain a member of the squad during this time.


  • Students must demonstrate and maintain respectful behavior.
  • Students referred to the principal for classroom/school related behavior issues may be excluded from participating in practice sessions and or games at the Principal’s discretion. (Logical Consequence)
  • Internally suspended students will miss practice sessions and games until after the internal suspension is completed.

Class Attendance

Students are expected to be present in all possible classes or have an excused absence in order to participate in an activity scheduled for that day.


At the discretion of the coach and in consultation with the Principal, the parents of a WAB student sent home from a multi-day ACAMIS or APAC event due to extreme inappropriate behavior will be required to pay all costs associated with the early return of the student. This may include the cost of a chaperone to accompany the student.

Expectations on Away Trips

  • Students must adhere to normal school rules and expectations of behavior whilst traveling.
  • Students will be required to sign a ‘Trip Code of Conduct’ before departure.
  • Students who do not follow school rules and the ‘Trip Code of Conduct’ on away trips jeopardize participating in future activities.

Right of Appeal

Where a decision has been made to exclude a student’s participation from future practices and or games, the student has the right to request a review and reconsideration of the decision. Such requests should be directed to the WABX Activity Coordinator.

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Parent Code of Conduct

  • Encourage students to participate, but do not force or apply pressure.
  • Attend games whenever possible and support your team through good sportsmanship and positive cheering – athletes learn best through positive example. By demonstrating appreciation for good performance, you can positively affect play.
  • Praise positive skill development and improvement in individual and team play.
  • Avoid criticism or ridicule of players, coaches or referees – remember that everyone is attempting to be the best they can be! Mistakes are never made on purpose.
  • Demonstrate appreciation for the volunteer efforts of coaches, officials and organizers – without them we could not provide a program.