Target 15 in Action: Flexible and Diverse Learning Spaces


This post is part of the Targets in Action series, designed to help parents, teachers, students, and the global community better understand how the future of learning will look in action at WAB.

As we discussed in our previous post, the idea behind Target 15 is to create flexible learning spaces that function as active contributors to student learning.

WAB has always done an excellent job in creating unique, dynamic learning spaces. Simply take a look around campus, and you'll find examples of these in each of our buildings. But as we learn more and gain professional knowledge about learning spaces, we are finding more opportunities to transform our International Private School in Beijing campus to positively impact teaching and learning.

Looking ahead, we are beginning the process of reimagining and recreating our learning spaces based on FLoW21 values and the Targets. The WAB Board of Trustees has approved recommendations from our Learning Spaces Committee to prototype new spaces in two to four locations across campus.

That means volunteer groups of students, parents, and teachers will collaborate with selected architects to develop and finalize how these prototyped spaces will look and function, with plans to renovate during the 2019 summer break.

These spaces could be specific to grade levels or subjects. They could be designated areas that are flexible and well-resourced to serve a diverse range of learning needs. This prototyping will allow us to begin the next stage of FLoW21 Phase 2 in a measured manner that will inform our development of future learning spaces. So keep a keen eye on campus, as we invite you to be a part of the process based on the following timeline:

  • October/November 2018: Decide on architects and initiate design process
  • January 2019: Confirm areas and educational teams who will be working on the prototypes
  • March 2019: Complete discovery and design process, including concept and detailed drawings for learning community spaces prototypes
  • Summer 2019: Build learning community spaces prototypes


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