The Western Academy of Beijing is at the center of a warm, truly diverse international community that extends well beyond students, parents and staff. Our WAB spirit is one of caring, passion and joy.
Families joining the Western Academy of Beijing often remarked how warmly they were welcomed when their children enrolled in our international school.
Our friendly Admissions team, school leadership, teaching staff, support staff and Parent Link, all work hard to ensure that our new families experience a smooth transition to their new community. From this first step until well after graduation, the WAB community remains a supportive, caring and diverse part of school life.
Join us, get involved and experience everything our community has to offer, from volunteer opportunities to exciting events and initiatives.
Parent Link
Connecting, supporting and enriching our community.
WAB is much more than a school; as students, we are much more than students; as an individual, I’m much more than an individual. I am myself, but WAB made me understand I have a role in my surrounding community.