WAB announced the launch of a community-wide initiative to develop “Portraits of WAB Alumni."
At a Coffee Morning on Wednesday attended by nearly 100 parents, WAB leadership announced the student-led process of developing the school's new strategic plan, which will include focus groups of parents, faculty, staff, alumni, and the WAB Board of Trustees. The WAB community will develop the vision of students who, after leaving WAB, will be equipped with competencies and dispositions that will support them in “making a difference” in their own lives, their communities, and beyond.
WAB will be asking its whole community to give insights into what these competencies and dispositions should be in the light of the rapidly changing needs of our students and the world. Then, in the years to come and through innovative and agile learning and teaching, we will be strategically working toward these “Portraits” becoming less of a vision and more of a reality.
Like WAB's previous strategic plans, the new one will continue to support and be rooted in the realization of WAB’s mission to "Connect; Inspire; Challenge: Make a Difference." It will also directly relate to our schools’ Core Values of diversity, our "gong he" spirit, and being learner-centered.
Parents should look out for a WAB Special Email inviting you to take part in these important conversations.
- FLoW21
- Strategy 22plus