New Design Class is Enhancing Learning Across WAB Elementary

New Design Class is Enhancing Learning Across WAB Elementary

For the first time at WAB, Design is a single-subject class in our Elementary School. Every student in Grades 2 to 5 takes the class each week.

“We are keeping true to the fundaments of design," EdTech and Design Teacher Doug Taylor said, "It's that idea of enquiring into what the problem is, developing the ideas, creating a solution to the problem, and then evaluating that solution.”

Doug and Joshua Brinn, who co-teach the class as a pair, said that the class impacts how students think and learn across all of their subject areas in Elementary School.

“We are deeply committed to connecting what happens in the design class to what the kids of learning about in their Units of Inquiry," EdTech and Design Teacher Joshua Brinn said.

So how does the design class enhance WAB's delivery of the IB PYP? How does design thinking impact learning in other subject areas? What does coding look like for Grade 2 students? WAB's Design & EdTech Teachers Doug Taylor and Joshua Brinn join us this week for an insightful look into Elementary Design and offer practical tips for parents and teachers to support design learning.

Find out more about innovative learning opportunities for students our WAB's Learn page, as well as through new episodes of The WAB Podcast every Friday.