Middle School Robotics Team Wins ACAMIS Design Award

Middle School Robotics Team Wins ACAMIS Design Award

Congratulations to Chris, Arshia, and Johann, whose robot won the first place Design Award at the ACAMIS Robotics Competition on Saturday.

There are several aspects to the competition centered around a series of missions that teams must design and program their robot to accomplish within a given time. The three students, who make up the WAB ROAR Robotics team, created several unique attachments to their robot that allowed it to strategically navigate a map and then push, lift, climb, arrange, knock over, replace, and move objects along its route.

The trio has been working together in the robotics after-school activity since January 2019, having their first planned competition in 2020 cancelled due to COVID. This year's competition featured 13 teams from five International schools in China and was hosted virtually over video conference.

After the students demonstrated their robot's ability to accomplish the tasks on the board, they had to explain their design decisions to a Judge. In this process they had to explain the mechanical design, their programs and their strategies for the robot game. This involved a presentation and also demonstrating their robot design on the robot table.

The ROAR Team were called back for a second time to explain their theories, strategies and design choices to the full panel of judges. It was both the teams presentation and their ability to answer the judges questions that secured the team the Design Award.

Simon Furmston, the team’s coach, said the decision was unanimous by the judges.

"The quality of their design documentation and design process was classed as exemplary. The judges also stated that it was very clear that each of the students was extremely knowledgeable about their designs and programs," Simon said. "They were also very impressed with the strong team spirit and togetherness, which was apparent during the robot games and both robot design presentations."

Addressing the students, Simon said, "You have shown a great deal of commitment, fortitude, skill and determination in preparation for this competition, and you should be extremely proud of what you have achieved."

Back in the robotics lab after the competition, the students are already back to work on their next challenge. They have planned a robot war against the other WAB Robotics team scheduled for the end of April. It's a good time to relax and have some fun together until they begin preparing for ACAMIS 2022.

  • Inspiring Learning
  • Middle School
  • STEM