Inclusion and Belonging Through WAB’s Student Support Services

Inclusion and Belonging Through WAB’s Student Support Services

WAB has always prioritized inclusivity as part of its core values. The Student Support Services team at WAB plays an important role in creating a sense of safety and belonging for students. WAB’s student support services encompass a wide range of areas, including language acquisition support, learning support, social-emotional well-being support, psychological support, and therapeutic support. Through a collaborative effort involving learning support, English as an Additional Language and Enriched Inclusion staff, counselors, and external therapists, students receive comprehensive assistance tailored to their specific needs.

In this week’s WAB Podcast, we sit down with WAB’s Whole School Educational Psychologist Christin Topper, who in the next school year will also take on the role of Head of Student Support Services.

As Christin embarks on her new dual role, the future goals and aspirations of the department center around continued collaboration and collective responsibility.

“Where we want to go next as a school and as a community is bringing everyone to an understanding that we all play a role in making sure that WAB continues to be a safe and inclusive school where everyone feels like they belong, where everyone can happily bring their authentic self to school, where differences are celebrated and where personalization is just part of everyday practice,” Christin said.

During the conversation, Christin emphasizes the support services team's commitment to meeting the diverse needs of students. As she states, "We don't deliver programs. We put the students at the center, and every student is different. And once we know their strengths, their interests, their passions, their areas of growth, then we develop support around that child."

To learn more about student support at WAB, please tune in to this week’s episode.

  • Podcast
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Whole School