How Agency in Nature of Science is Deepening Learning

How Agency in Nature of Science is Deepening Learning

In the High School, students can take Nature of Science, a course that seeks to engage students in authentic scientific exploration based on a topic of their interest. In this course, students have the freedom to direct their own learning but within a structure, and the teacher becomes more of a guide.

In our latest conversation on the WAB Podcast High School Science Teacher Chris Hayden and Grade 10 students Jeremy and Lucienne explain why this approach is allowing students to go beyond what might normally be offered in a regular science class and deepens learning.

“I was only studying science by textbook. I was never really passionate, I was never really engaged in my own learning. But by choosing Nature of Science, I choose my own topic, my own area that I wanted to study, and my own interest, which is rocket engineering. I was so passionate during the first semester and it was really enjoyable. I learned quite a lot during that one semester,” Grade 10 student Jeremy explains.

By giving students agency in Nature of Science, they’re not only able to choose what to base their projects on and therefore specialize in an area they may want to pursue at a higher level, it is also building their confidence as they progress in their learning.

“I think that the students who were involved in this course and had those opportunities have more confidence in their abilities. They had this unique experience that the other students perhaps didn't get a chance to do and so those kinds of attitudes, mindsets and skills are developing,” said Chris Hayden.

“This time around I'm a lot more focused because after course selection conversations, I realized that I need to study certain things to be prepared for HL biology, which would be Genetics in my case. Now I have a better idea about what I should do,” said Grade 10 student Lucienne.

Listen to our latest podcast episode for the full conversation on how agency in Nature of Science is deepening learning and meeting students’ needs.  

  • Agency in Learning
  • High School
  • Inspiring Learning
  • Podcast
  • display HS Insp Learning